Property Management and Real Estate Services

5 Ways to Decorate Your Calgary Rental this Spring to Make It Feel Like Home

5 Ways to Decorate Your Calgary Rental this Spring to Make It Feel Like Home

Home may be where the heart is but it’s often hard to feel at home when you’re living in a rental unit, particularly for a short period of time. Creating a space that feels like home is possible, though, with a little effort and creativity. Consider these five ways to decorate Calgary rentals this spring to make them feel like home.

1. Set Up Calgary Furnished Rentals for Use

How much you live in a space makes a big difference between feeling like it’s home or just another room. Make Calgary rentals more than a place to sleep at night by improving the utility of the space. Add things that make it more fun to cook, increase the coziness, and create a leisurely living space.

2. Use Colour and Light to Make Executive Rentals Your Own

Colour and light go a long way toward establishing a decorative aesthetic. Create a colour scheme with wall hangings and décor, and add plenty of light to each room to make them feel inviting.

3. Think Beyond with Furnished Rentals

Just because your stay in Calgary executive rentals is temporary doesn’t mean everything in it needs to be temporary. Invest in a few items you’ll want in future homes.

4. Add Life to Calgary Rentals

Bring a splash of the outdoors into Calgary furnished rentals with fresh spring flowers or potted plants. Fresh herbs grown in a windowsill make a great addition to the kitchen.

5. Match the Mismatched in Rental Units

If you aren’t in Calgary furnished rentals, you probably have a mismatched collection of furnishings for your rental unit. Use small DIY projects, like adding a fresh coat of paint or finding a slipcover, to create a more coherent set of furnishings.

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